Category Archives: online

Zippidity dippity Monday

Think another Gone With the Wind sequel is a bad idea? You’re not alone. Some good news: one of the smartest people I know goes to the Maker Fair and…

Where I’m blogging from

If you look really closely in the rearview mirror, you might be able to see Pittsburgh. For the summer I’m on the road, with a few clothes, a couple of…

the silent ringing in my skull

Anne is taking apart Mrs. Dalloway piece by piece, text edit by text edit. It’s a deliciously intimate look at the work, even if you’ve (cough!) not yet read it….

Litblogs v. Book Reviews, LA-style

The LA Times reports on the book-critics-vs-litblogs kerfluffle with this nicely circumspect comment from Mark (TEV) Sarvas: This was truly a false dichotomy. The two sides needn’t be in opposition,…

And she’s off (to Pittsburgh, that is)

The LA Times has been book blogging this month. The paper still has some details to work out (like getting the posts up the day they’re written, not 3 days…

From under the cloud of ash

Smoke from the Griffith Park fire yesterday, from traffic on Rowena. Don’t miss the Skinny Dipping in the Lake of the Dead action this week at the LBC. Story talk…

Toddlers: the work destroyer

I am still visiting Los Angeles and I do love that I have lots of friends who let me crash with them, friends I am so happy to get to…

Litblogs vs. book reviews, wrongheaded again

Wow, I do love that the New York Times is thinking about liblogs, but why they set them up in opposition to books reviews is baffling. Newspaper book review sections…

Every season, turn turn turn

At the LBC, nominated author Mark Binelli (Sacco & Vanzetti Must Die!) is posting some thoughts on writing in today’s marketplace. He starts with a quote from Ian Jack, the…

Monday procrastination

It’s Sacco & Vanzetti Must Die! week at the LBC. To kick things off, a contest: tell us which historical duo would make a good slapstick team — like Abbott…