Category Archives: online

I have yet to see the Pacific

On the Road to get its Brokeback back? I like the book fine without gay sex and real names. I blame this truthtelling revisionism on James Fry. n+1 turns international…

Kibbles and bits

I went to the Swink reading at Tangeirs to see Mark Sarvas (that’s him there in the pic, blurrily) and hear more from his new novel. I agree with everything…

Living la vida Angeleno

Yesterday I sat in as guest editor at LAist. And there was much posting. 7/27 birthdays a monkey in his pants Hot Hot Heat comes to town James Ellroy: HUSH…

In words and pictures

New York Mag looks somewhat snarkily at the $23 million Mediabistro sale (via). Heck, isn’t Galleycat worth that alone? I’m late to the party: Slunch, a new literary gossip blog,…

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming

Oh, to be in Brooklyn on August 18! Or in a Korean restaurant in NYC with a galley of Junot Diaz’ long-awaited novel, The Brief Wonderous Life of Oscar Wao!…

Luminous unerring wit, dazzling and sweeping

At the Guardian, CA Barron imagines taking superlatives off book jackets. Could you pick a book up that didn’t claim to be luminous, unerring, dazzling or sweeping? How about Spector-taculor?…

Welcome litmagblog

Sometimes people call blogs about books litblogs. Now we have Luna Park, a blog about literary magazines. A litmagblog. Luna Park was launched earlier this month in an effort to…

Eight things better left unsaid

It’s the 8 things you don’t know about me meme, bestowed by Levi. 1. By the time you read this, I will be on my way to the Phil Spector…

Need an outline?

The legend goes like this: Faulkner outlined his book A Fable on the walls of his office. Apparently, this didn’t fit with his wife’s idea of proper decor; she painted…

Fonts, fashion, and, oh, books

When I got to grad school, I was astonished that we were supposed to put our manuscripts in courier. Courier? Nobody uses courier! Oh – except copy editors. Listen, I’m…