In words and pictures

New York Mag looks somewhat snarkily at the $23 million Mediabistro sale (via). Heck, isn’t Galleycat worth that alone?

I’m late to the party: Slunch, a new literary gossip blog, posts a photo of Jonathan Ames and Fiona Apple. Handholding included. (via)

For once, I got my invite before Gawker did: to be an LA Times superuser. Although being invited by the Tribune company to provide content for free isn’t much to brag about.

Thing is, hundreds of people are doing just this kind of culture writing & local reviewing — for free — at Yelp. Why doesn’t Tribune just buy these guys (and their credibility, and their users) instead of trying to reinvent the wheel?

Bookdwarf Megan goes to Bolivia and brings back this amazing photoset. When’s the last time you saw a mummified alpaca?

More photo fun: real home libraries. I have bookshelves back in Pittsburgh, but for now, my library is 6 grocery bags full of books across the back seat of my Honda.

Lionel Richie, stalker of the disabled: a photo essay.

About the author

I like sitting in Jack Webb's booth.