the silent ringing in my skull

Anne is taking apart Mrs. Dalloway piece by piece, text edit by text edit. It’s a deliciously intimate look at the work, even if you’ve (cough!) not yet read it.

Speaking of not-yet-read — maybe it’s time to join the Zombie Summer Reading Program. It’s designed not for the Virginia Wolfe you have heard of, but for the Wilbur Daniel Steele you know nothing about. (Steele was an early Best American favorite, and is now very, very out of print).

And more to read: this month, the tireless Cecil Castellucci has published a new YA novel, Beige; the debut Minx comic book, The PLAIN Janes; and a story in the collection Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys. Whew!

Largehearted Boy has read Jonathan Lethem’s You Don’t Love Me Yet, which I’m just midway through. I’m not sure I agree with him on the representation of the LA music scene, but I’ll give it time. (Man, he does get the fish tacos right.)

Bud goes through his free books, judges their covers, and even cracks one open to prove how bad they can get. Then he says some nice things about the best of ’em. They’re free, after all.

Hey Tod: Put down the spork. Step away from Mr. Albom. It’s for your own good, I say.

A look at the Griffith Observatory, post-fire. Not bad at all.

About the author

I like sitting in Jack Webb's booth.