Category Archives: Weblogs

Litblogs vs. book reviews, wrongheaded again

Wow, I do love that the New York Times is thinking about liblogs, but why they set them up in opposition to books reviews is baffling. Newspaper book review sections…

Tod Goldberg reads the Sunday paper – naked!

Welcome to the LitBlog Session at the LA Times Festival of Books. Oops – I began this post while we were doing the Q&A, but they had to shoo us…

At LAist and Ames

I had a tough week over at LAist, where something I posted caused a riot of comments (many of which ran in the "you’re an idiot" vein). See, we LAist…

My little feet

Today we announced that over at LAist I am stepping up as editor. It’s a great blog about our fair city with a dozen contributors, part of the Gothamist network….