Tod Goldberg reads the Sunday paper – naked!

Welcome to the LitBlog Session at the LA Times Festival of Books. Oops – I began this post while we were doing the Q&A, but they had to shoo us out. So here’s one Q and 4 As.

David Kipen asked which of our posts brought us the most traffic — and why?

Me: at LAist, a picture of a car. bafflingly, a huge hit.

Tod Goldberg: The sad tale of Mister Teriyaki, documenting a Big Famous Author’s unselfconscious, ugly prejudice.

Andrew Keen: An article about sex ads on craigslist. Sex. Duh.

Galleycat: James Frey, other big news items. But the biggest: a very early Judith Reagan post.

It was very cool that litblogs found a place at the Festival of Books this year. I only wish we hadn’t focused so much on “litblogs — good or bad?” — I think litblogs are good for books and readers and authors. I don’t want to waste space arguing about it — heck, even the NNBC is coming around.

Instead I would have loved to have a topic like: “litblogs — what’s good, what’s bad, what’s next?” I know what I’d like to do more of (I think it’s a congenital blogger condition to be cursing oneself for not fill-in-the-blank), but I want the bigger picture. What does it take for a litblog to be successful – voice? genre? regular posting? Have we made any big mistakes (like engaging n+1 in an argument over an article critical of litblogs — an article they never put online)? What exciting, fun things are happening in the litblog world? I would have loved to hear what Tod and Ron and the audience thought.

Most everyone in the audience raised their hands when asked “who blogs?” Including LA litbloggers John Fox and Callie Miller. I hope they’ll blog their takes soon.

Panel in action photo! From the left: the back of Tod Goldberg’s head, Andrew Keen, and Ron Hogan.

About the author

I like sitting in Jack Webb's booth.