Blog Archives

75 Books Update #1

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay was pretty amazing, but I didn’t love the ending. Everyone else on the planet has already read it, so I’ll say no more….

Pursesnatch v. mugging

No podcast. Just a question: if a guy grabs your purse and smacks you with it, hard, as you try to grab it back, so that blood spurts from your…

80 degrees and sunny

Today is an amazing LA day, the kind that makes me wonder why the entire country hasn’t moved here. No snow, no transit strike, clean(sih) air, bright blue sky and…

My little feet

Today we announced that over at LAist I am stepping up as editor. It’s a great blog about our fair city with a dozen contributors, part of the Gothamist network….

The Crying of Our Ecstatic Days

The cool new MetaxuCafe, all-litblogs, all-the-time, has decided to let me post about literary podcasts. I should post there very soon. I should also post a new literary podcast in…

To MFA or not to MFA

Sam Sacks glancingly reviews Best New American Voices 2006 and quite reasonably takes MFA programs to the mat. Some, like The Elegant Variation, call these programs meatgrinders. The Literary Saloon…

Slouching towards Broadway

The Year of Magical Thinking has jumped the shark: the New York Times reports that Joan Didion’s memoir is going to be a Broadway show. "I think that the book…

LA Times litblogs

The good ol’ LA Times is trying to get into the litblog game with a starter set of commentaries on Los Angeles literature from anti-fucktard crusader Tod Goldberg, memoirist &…

The LA Times and me

Steve Erickson’s Our Ecstatic Days deservedly makes the LA Times’ 2005 best books list.  Number of fiction books on the list: 20I’ve read: 1Have on deck: 1 sigh. Special accolades…

NYT and me

Sunday’s New York Times Book Review will include their list of 100 notable books from 2005. Fiction books (excluding poetry): 34I have read: 1I have in my to-be-read bookshelf: 1Authors…