Category Archives: has everyone gone mad?

Nietzche in the morning

Shortly after getting up I checked my Twitter feed — a weakness, to be sure — and saw that Alain de Botton was Tweeting quotes about anger. Here’s one: Angry…

Where’s a linguist when you need one?

In response to the controversy over de-ranking of more than 57,000 books on its site, Amazon released an unusual statement today. The online bookseller’s initial response to critics crying #amazonfail…

Amazon’s rough Easter

While most of the country was knee-deep in Easter baskets, I was home getting a blog post ready and reading twitter and planning a sortie to purchase Cadbury Creme Eggs…

Harlan fesses up feeling up

Harlan Ellison admits to grabbing breast, calls unsanctioned breastgrabbing "unconscionable," forgets to include an apology. Aw, man. He does say he’s waiting for a call back from grabee Connie Willis,…

Midnight movie: Picard, acapella

If only Wil Wheaton wasn’t on vacation and could tell us what this video (via Sarah) is all about; as it begins with "Mister Crusher," he was probably in on…

Slouching towards Broadway

The Year of Magical Thinking has jumped the shark: the New York Times reports that Joan Didion’s memoir is going to be a Broadway show. "I think that the book…