Where’s a linguist when you need one?

In response to the controversy over de-ranking of more than 57,000 books on its site, Amazon released an unusual statement today.

The online bookseller’s initial response to critics crying #amazonfail had been, well, terse: the problem was a “glitch.” Details were not forthcoming.

But Monday afternoon an official statement was out, and it was in such non-corporate lingo that I couldn’t quite believe that it was the real, on-the-record company response. Yet it was.

This is an embarrassing and ham-fisted cataloging error for a company that prides itself on offering complete selection.

There was more, of course, but I’d like to pause and contemplate this. To apologize for de-ranking titles that appeared to be classified as excessively erotic, AmazonĀ  reaches for a vocabulary word meaning “inept” and came up with “ham-fisted.”

Erotic? Ham-fisted?

Cancel the linguist. Call in a Freudian.

About the author

I like sitting in Jack Webb's booth.