Category Archives: 75 books

LA is just around the corner

Well, OK, it’s about 2600 miles away, but I’ll be there on April 24. There are several e-newsletters that I’ve remained subscribed to for the last 2 years — too…

75 books, the uh-oh update

#45 – Skinny Dipping in the Lake of the Dead by Alan DeNiro. Wow and wow and wow. Was I lured in because the first story is set in a…

75 books: when I should be at home depot, buying a space heater

it’s unfortunate that all the parts-of-books I’m reading for my film noir class don’t add up to a hill of beans in the 75 books in ’06 race. I didn’t…

75 books, the post-fender bender edition

Whew, I’m fine; I hope to discover that my classmates are, too. But I’m not quite ready to schlep the car to the garage and find out for sure what…

75 books, ooh la la

Catching up is so much fun. #21 – Keystone: The Life and Clowns of Mack Sennett by Simon Louvish. For a history, breezily written, with a few snicker-worthy lines that…

A partly cloudy read

The latest of my 75 books. #17 – An Abundance of Katherines by John Green. A teenager with few social skills and lots of smarts hits the road with his…

A stack of books before the box

There’s this thing coming up. I’m moving to Pittsburgh. On Tuesday. With a U-Haul. But I’m jumping ahead — in the fall I start the MFA program in creative writing…

75 Books: Queen, Love, Wake Up

In the 75 books challenge I am behind Megan and Ed and I’m sure many others who aren’t displaying their fantastic progress. I have caught up to Kim, I think,…

75 books: Namesake, Stumbling

The latest of my (still lagging) 75 books for 2006 were The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri and Stumbling and Raging: More Politcally Inspired Fiction, edited by Stephen Elliott. #4: The…

Big Lonesome Cosmopolis

I’m getting a wicked slow start on my 75 books. Book #2: Big Lonesome by Jim Ruland.The only way I got through the brutality and sadness of the first story…