Category Archives: NaDruWriNi

Not if it’s bigger than your head

NaDruWiNi began auspiciously enough. Realizing that others were getting started before me, I quickly made a nice little gibson and jotted a preamble. Next stop: a grad student party at…

NaDruWriNi: the preamble

We the people of these united drinkers, in order to form a more perfect counterpart to NaNoWriMo, establish drunkeness and insure domestic hangovers, provide for the common drunken meanderings, promote…

Ahoy, martini set!

Last year I achieved what passed for clarity. This year, I’m making no guarantees about NaDruWriNi.


Back during NaDruWriNi I had 3 Sam Adams and a bottomless glass of whiskey. Nevertheless my clarity, such as it was,  landed me in the top 10 of inebriated posts….

NaDruWruNi by blacklight

Eagle Rock Lanes. When we got here for Laura’s birthday, it was still all terrible flourescent lighting and no music. Now it’s evolved into blacklight and oldies, which are horrible…