Not if it’s bigger than your head

NaDruWiNi began auspiciously enough. Realizing that others were getting started before me, I quickly made a nice little gibson and jotted a preamble.

Next stop: a grad student party at a nearby bar. They make me a martini, served in a martini-shaped glass approxmately the size of a bucket. A big bucket. A big bucket full of vodka.

After sucking down the bucket of vodka in what seemed like no time, and carrying on what I was convinced were several witty conversations (note to self: don’t talk about the fetus in the jar. freaks people out), I did write. I scribbled scribbly scribblies while enjoying a beer. Are they legible? Not really. Something about the corn palace. Yeah, I dunno.

Like any sensible person who’s starting to realize she’s drunk and has to get home and write, did I leave? No. Did I hang out and order another beer? Yesiree. When I got home it was crash-o-rama. Passed out right next to the laptop. Damage on Sunday was so severe I still couldn’t blog. Too much Dru; not enough Wri.

But here I am and I’ve learned a vital lesson: Stay away from vodka drinks that are bigger than your head.

About the author

I like sitting in Jack Webb's booth.