Category Archives: andetc

It’s Wednesday and there is much to read

I’ve just learned that Pitt’s graduation speaker, football player Dan Marino, closed his speech with something like, “in the wise words of Ace Ventura, Pet Detective: Let’s party!” How ever…

All good news edition

Good news: Maud Newton throws a story into the universe, the universe throws her a $1500 prize. Good news: I’m catching up with back issues of One Story and “Bar…

Cuts like a knife and other linkages

That comment I left about not knowing about voting problems? I take it back. My friend Katy had voting problems. Claws are coming out for Sloane Crosley, the cutest book…

Obama-ama mo-mama-ama Obama-mama Obama

sing it with me now – it’s Pennsylvania primary day. Obama-ama mo-mama-ama Obama-mama Obama Obama-ama mo-mama-ama Obama-mama Obama Obama-ama mo-mama-ama Obama-mama Obama

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is a feminist

Don’t believe me? Read his blog.

Hillary and Tod and Nicky Hilton and more

In Salon, Rebecca Traister writes of Clinton fans growing weary of “Obama boys” bashing their candidate. I teach freshman composition, and I promise you, the “Obama boys” in my class…

My friend Andrew is working in Egypt

And he got a day off to visit the pyramids. As a chick who’s about to spend three weeks in the basement of a Pittsburgh library, I can’t tell you…

Everybody wants a piece of Pittsburgh

President Bush was in Pittsburgh today. Yeah, missed that one. Barack Obama is coming to Pittsburgh tomorrow. He will speak at Soldiers & Sailors Hall, which is right next to…

The last of Istanbul

I’ve posted the last of my Istanbul photos, including a graffiti piece that made me think Banksy (altho I couldn’t find any documentation that he’s been to Istanbul, so I…

Istanbul days

I’m in Istanbul. Today I took a ferry across the Bosphorus river to another part of Istanbul… the part that is in Asia. It was my first time on the…