Hillary and Tod and Nicky Hilton and more

In Salon, Rebecca Traister writes of Clinton fans growing weary of “Obama boys” bashing their candidate. I teach freshman composition, and I promise you, the “Obama boys” in my class are sweet Hillary lovers compared to the McCain boys, who speak of her with derision, vitriol and contempt. If she’s the Democratic candidate, that exactly what’s in store. Get used to it.

The Complete Review gives “The Second Plane” by Martin Amis a C.

Tod Goldberg writes proudly of his students going forth and conquering the world with short stories, which have been purged of phrases like “writes proudly.”

Just don’t expect to read them in a Smithsonian reading room.

Is it true — Nicky Hilton at a bookstore? I can’t make her out in the photo.

This weekend my review of The Age of Dreaming by Nina Revoyr appeared in the LA Times.

Some of the walls are under glass… but did they leave the scuzzy bathrooms intact? CBGBs now a high-end clothing boutique.

About the author

I like sitting in Jack Webb's booth.