Blog Archives

So do you have a cookbook there, Mrs. Muir?

Who knows why The Ghost and Mrs. Muir ended up on my Netflix list — I must have realized that I’d seen the TV version but never the film original….

I broke my iPhone

And wrote about it for the LA Times Tech Blog. And it got dugg.

Put that away!

Author Jonathan Evison (All About Lulu) is in town, or should I say the whirlwind tour that is Jonathan Evison. There will be a video interview with him on Jacket…

You can call me Ms. MFA

My manuscript is done, the paperwork is done, the administrative staff in the English Department are so sick of taking my calls that they tell me to stop worrying. My…

Back to the present

My friend Jill made me a super-cute purse for my birthday (as you can see) and it turns out I can fit three books in it at once. Three! I…

Flashback flashback: Cynthia Plaster Caster & Pamela Des Barres

The Viper Room, April 24, 1999: L. says there’s a lot of competition tonight. Smashing Pumpkins down the street (Roxy or Whiskey), Del Fi anniversary at Spaceland, Giant Robot rave…

Right, earthquake

It hit while I was working away at my kitchen table. My building, which dates back to the 1920s, is 14 stories tall, with a brick exterior and 18-inch concrete…

LA Times books. Wasserman on PBS. And why I care.

I was excited to learn that Kassia Krozser (aka Booksquare) would be on PBS’s News Hour tonight. Hooray for book bloggers! Also exciting: she would be appearing with former LA…

Books at the LA Times

David Ulin will be on KPCC’s Air Talk with Larry Mantle today, around 10:30am Pacific — that’s 89.3FM in socal, online elsewhere. Ulin has also talked to Publisher’s Weekly about…

Wrestling the backlist

Mark has admitted a penchant for reading the previous work of an author when he’s assigned a review. I think this is a fairly common trait; I can’t imagine any…