You can call me Ms. MFA

My manuscript is done, the paperwork is done, the administrative staff in the English Department are so sick of taking my calls that they tell me to stop worrying. My MFA is finished!

Many of my MFA-related posts are here. Mid-program I stopped blogging so much about the details, for two main reasons. First, a professor was acting increasingly bizarrely toward me, and it was a small enough program so I feared that this person’s identity could be sussed out. Second, I started teaching myself, and while that took up a lot of time and attention I didn’t think it would be fair to blog about the in-class efforts of my oh-so-nervous freshmen.

So to get a complete picture of my grad school experience, you really need to sit down with me. I invite you to do this — or just celebrate my newly-minted MFAness — anytime at Musso & Frank, with LA’s best martinis. Seriously. Just email paperhaus (at)

About the author

I like sitting in Jack Webb's booth.