Ah, that’s better

After several weeks on the road, writing and blogging and a whole summer stacked with more responsibilities than you could shake a crashed hard drive at, I’m back.

Lately I’ve:

Been named a judge of this year’s Story Prize, with A. M. Holmes and librarian Bill Kelly
Chronicled the latest successes of Sherman Alexie for the LA Times
Reviewed Juliet, Naked by Nick Hornby at the LA Times
Talked to the Guardian about Lorrie Moore
Interviewed Margaret Atwood for Jacket Copy
Interviewed Michael Chabon for Jacket Copy
Interviewed James Ellroy for the Barnes & Noble Review
Attended the National Book Festival for the LA Times

Along in there I went to New York, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Iowa and Seattle. Much to tell, little time. But more soon.

About the author

I like sitting in Jack Webb's booth.