beware of lafayette

After being misguided by googlemaps past the gigantic, shift-getting-out Halliburton complex on the outskirts of Lafayette, Louisiana, after circling and circling a dark and lonesome area that lacked the connecting streets the map showed it to have, after steering past a set of signs meant to block traffic and then, finally, reaching my destination only to find it was not a restaurant hiding in a trailer park but really just a trailer park — after that and then, eventually making my way to the elusive proper rendevous, being cheerful and having a cvilized dinner and then crashing in a vastly overpriced hotel room featuring, unfathomably, a really big fat pillar in its center — what I wanted the next morning, what I really really wanted, was a large plate of flabby, room-temperature boiled eggs.

Oh, no wait, it wasn’t.

With vision of Hud dancing in my head, I did my best to beat it out of Lafayette, Louisiana.

It took almost an hour.

About the author

I like sitting in Jack Webb's booth.