Goodbye, Forrest Ackerman

In 1994, or possibly 1993, I went to the Ackermansion for the collector column of the magazine Fizz. It was my friend Jeanette’s idea — she knew all about Forrest Ackerman. I was just enthusiastic about meeting an enthusiast. And I was excited to see all his stuff.

Forrest Ackerman has died; he was 92. My hastily-written remembrance of that visit is at Jacket Copy with the photos that I took that day. I scanned this photo from the proof sheet – we never printed it. It had a few magazines, but there wasn’t enough of his awesome stuff — no creepy masks or bawdy space babes or visible vintage posters. It does have Mr. Ackerman, though, and I like that he’s not hamming for the camera. He probably thought I was taking pictures of something else —  I ran around trying to snap everything – but it was really him who was the center of it all.

About the author

I like sitting in Jack Webb's booth.