Meet Jeanne and Russ

Meet Jeanne. With Jeanne is her boyfriend Russ. It’s November 1959 and they’re at their high school senior prom in Indiana. No, I’m not sure why the senior prom is in the late fall. Maybe they got one in spring, too.

Notice how polished they are. When I was a kid, I thought people in pictures from the 50s looked really old. Now that I’m a grown-up, I still think so.

I don’t know if Jeanne won anything at the prom, but she’s wearing a little tiara. In 1959, was that a standard? Did you get a tiara to match your dress? Did you have to get new tiaras for every dance — would it be embarrassing to wear the same tiara more than once?  Or did they give her that tiara for winning Most Spectacularly Bell-like Gown?

There is more to come from Jeanne and Russ. They’re happy you’ve come to check things out.

About the author

I like sitting in Jack Webb's booth.