A writer is someone who likes writing.

At Ward 6, J. Robert Lennon writes:

If you’re a writer, you like process. Occasionally I’ll meet a book enthusiast who has an idea for a book. “Now all I have to do is write it.” That person isn’t a writer–a writer is somebody who likes writing.

Right on! As long as “likes” does not exclude “and at times finds really, really difficult.” He goes on to say:

Ideas–those are a dime a dozen. You can find more ideas in one day’s morning paper than you can ever write in a lifetime.

Right on again! I tried to explain this to my (first) graduate thesis adviser, who was convinced of exactly the opposite. That ideas could be used up. That on the other side of an idea sat only emptiness. Sad, really. Ah, if only J. Robert Lennon had a little clone he could have sent to Pittsburgh once in a while, it would have saved me quite a bit of grief.

About the author

I like sitting in Jack Webb's booth.