Welcome to the oughts

The Publishing Spot has interviewed author Tony D’Souza. Here he is on whether or not to get an MFA (his is from Notre Dame):

In the seventies, if you had a Iowa MFA, you could go to another school and start your own MFA, in the eighties you could get a job in the expanding MFAs, even in the early nineties your MFA could get you a full-time job at the university level.

But now? With an MFA you are lucky, really lucky, to get a full-time job teaching English 1 at a community college. Some of these programs really fleece people. Three years, $60,000. But still there are lines of people trying to get in.

Oughts as in the years between 2000 and 2010. Oughts as in, maybe I ought not get that MFA after all.

About the author

I like sitting in Jack Webb's booth.