Giddyup roundup

Bookfox likes Refresh, Refresh by Benjamin Percy… who reads in Pittsburgh this Friday.

The Millions has begun its year in reading 2007. It’s an addictive, wonderful, hideous way of expanding your to-be-read pile. Because any book read (not published) in 2007 is fair game; every suggestion is superb. They’re adding more to the list every day.

My new favorite word, courtesy Marlon James: bullcrit. As in “Hell, I was paid for a review of Don Delillo’s Underworld even though the first Delillo novel I ever read was Falling Man.”

My previous favorite word, fucktard, gets a workout in Tod’s latest Letter to Parade.

Gilbert Hernandez is admired at Tex[t]-Mex for his “narrative savvy like Pynchon channeling García Márquez through Frida Kahlo’s lens (with Buñuel capturing it all on his instamatic).” Blam!

The Guardian asks David Mitchell: When you were growing up did you have books in your home?
David Mitchell responds: Yes. Now I have a home somewhere in my books.

Another blogger goes mainstream: Veronique de Turenne, who’s been blogging Malibu for LA Observed, will join the LA Times in January.

The first $5,000 Dzanc Books prize will support a program to teach creative writing in prisons.

About the author

I like sitting in Jack Webb's booth.