Random bits of newsiness

What’s it like to be nominated for a National Book Award? YA author Sara Zarr was too distracted by a migraine to take the call, but lives to blog the experience. (via Gwenda)

At the Guardian, Maureen Freely has some Nobel Lit insights (start putting together that Stockholm guest list).

The Words Without Borders Book Club is talking about The Rebels, with Mark Sarvas leading the discussion.

As I have been trying to convince my local friends, Pittsburgh gets the short end of the movie stick.

Just when I let my Bookforum subscription lapse, I saw it sitting on someone else’s coffeetable and think hey, I wish I could read that Kerouac retrospective. Luckily, it’s online — along with a subscription form.

Jean Thompson, a self-described member of “the powerful cabal of professors, literary magazine editors, and critics, dedicated to sucking the marrow out of the contemporary short story and celebrating its pallid, narcissistic shadow” reveals all at Maud’s.

Who goes to the Guiness brewery on her honeymoon? Callie, that’s who.

About the author

I like sitting in Jack Webb's booth.