Last call: Hot Metal Bridge Call for entries

With permission from the editor*, I repost the Call for Entries from the online literary magazine Hot Metal Bridge. Submissions are due Sept 24! And the theme? With the anticipation of a 13-year-old going to his first dance in wrinkled khakis and a boutonnière, you ask: what theme? What theme?


Please send us your poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction on the theme of headless. Horsemen, flat beer, chocolate bunnies, the guy who never gets a blowjob, zombies, animal crackers, classical statues, John Wayne Bobbitt, groups without leaders, blondes, Marie Antoinette and other unfortunate royalty, Medusa post-Perseus, the philosophy of D.E. Harding — any and all of these could fall under the heading of headless. Whatever your interpretation, be sure to stun us. We’ll know it’s good when we feel, to paraphrase Emily Dickinson, as if the tops of our heads were taken off.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: September 24, 2007

Headless will be the sophomore issue. Number one included ficiton by Michael Martone, poetry by Alan DeNiro and more. Check it out.

* Full disclosure: the editor, c’est moi.

About the author

I like sitting in Jack Webb's booth.