More ecstatic days

Thanks to Bookfox I now know that Steve Erickson’s got a new website, and a new book — Zeroville — coming out this fall, they say. I’m always ready to read Steve Erickson’s latest.

When I was an undergrad (the next-to-last-time) I wanted to write my honors thesis on books by Thomas Pychon and Steve Erickson. Pynchon wasn’t exactly listed in the phone book, but Erickson was. One day I picked up the phone, and somehow I talked him into meeting me for coffee — I think he was too polite to say no. It was my first author interview.

Undoubtedly the worst author interview since some caverperson walked up behind another chiseling rock and grunted “huh?”

Then, when I was an undergrad for the last time, I wrote my honors thesis on books by Thomas Pynchon and Steve Erickson. I didn’t call anybody, but I finished it, which was more to the point. And Aimee Bender gave me an A.

Maybe if I can figure it, I’ll get a chance to talk to Erickson about the new book. That is, if he’s forgotten about the nervous undergraduate who once asked him incredibly lame questions over coffee.

About the author

I like sitting in Jack Webb's booth.