Climbing the heights

Here at Pitt we’re looking for a new fiction professor; a huge pack of candidates has been narrowed down to finalists. I don’t know the specifics of what I’m allowed to say, so I don’t think I can mention how many finalists. Just, finalists.

Tomorrow the finalists start their visits.

And what visits they are! Each candidate must do a reading; sit for two interviews; attend a reception; and meet with grad students. Those are just the bits I know about. I bet there are also dinners and meetings with the dean and faculty.

Perhaps there are timed mile runs, pop quizzes, vision tests and codebreaking exercises.

As a grad student, I’ll be spending an awful lot of time tagging along to meet these (indeterminate number of) finalists this week. The schedule is kinda nuts, actually.

But at least I’ll just be a spectator. Imagine being the specimen. Must be exhausting.

About the author

I like sitting in Jack Webb's booth.