Morning considered

Zyzzyva: also a type of weevil, as your basic Trader Joe’s grocery bagger knows.

Who knew? Epilepsy and transcendence (via).

Nabakov: druggie, loony or just plain novelist?

NaNoWriMo: nay, nay, eh, eh and yea.

How about that Mark Z. Danielweski on the Bat Segundo Show? Wish I could listen to it on a transistor radio.

Lots to love in this essay on Joan Didion and the crazy-bad introduction to a new collection of her nonfiction. Here’s a bit:

There was a long line for the book signing. We were instructed to keep it brief, as Ms. Didion was exhausted. By the time my turn came, I felt like Wayne and Garth meeting Aerosmith. I mumbled something incoherent about what her work meant to me. She just looked at me like, yeah, yeah, heard it all before.

About the author

I like sitting in Jack Webb's booth.