Hey good lookin’

This week Ron Hogan adds a little levity to the ongoing hotties of publishing debate with a Writer’s Digest piece called Does This Book Jacket Make Me Look Fat? Technically, Galleycat’s winenrs were NAL/Roc editor Liz Scheier and Stephen Barbara, an agent with Donald Maas. But when people in the publishing world are hot, don’t we all win, really?

And news is out that Matt Cheney will have a story in One Story this fall. Actually, he’ll have THE story in One Story, since that’s how One Story works. Hooray for Matt!

All of which made me think, hey, didn’t I see Ron and Matt in the same place earlier this year? And didn’t I have a camera? Why yes! That was when I snuck into AWP with Kassia (we were at SXSWi, but the two conferences were in the same building). Seems to me like Kassia ought to have some cool news on the way, too.

About the author

I like sitting in Jack Webb's booth.