Too much Thursday

LA has no shortage of literary events, but we aren’t drowning in them, either. So the occasion of conflicting excellent readings rarely happens. Sigh: this Thursday is the exception.

Tod Goldberg has just let his (I’m assuming massive) e-mail list know that he and Aimee Bender will be doing a joint reading Thursday night in Pacific Palisades. But over in  Beverly Hills, David Ulin will be interviewing Paul Auster, which is where I’ll be. Sorry, Tod — maybe putting your name and "massive" in the same sentence is some consolation.

Luckily, Aimee Bender is reading next Thursday at Skylight Books in Los Feliz with Stephen Elliott and Neal Pollack, who is now an Angeleno. Welcome to the neighborhood, Neal!

About the author

I like sitting in Jack Webb's booth.