Fridays parking is easy


Nobody goes to class on Fridays at USC. For example, this was 19th century British lit on Friday last week.

This is Taper Hall. There are lots of English classes here, and the English department is on the 4th floor. It’s cozy, if you’re nostalgic for soviet-era architecture.

Usc_taper_ext2_2Someone tacked on this modernist detail at one end of the building.
Inspired, maybe. It makes Taper Hall look almost classy, at least at
this end.

Usc_taper_ext3_1Except that someone else stuck this kinda classical guy onto the wall. Someone who was a bit cranky about the modernist white pillars. Who likes their oversize relief naked, male, and emasculated.

Usc_taper_hall_2One of the hallowed halls of Taper. It bears no, I repeat no, resemblance to an institution for the criminally insane.

About the author

I like sitting in Jack Webb's booth.