Boy Proof with Cecil Castellucci

Cecil came to Pinky’s Paperhaus a few months ago and she’s back ? at least in podcast form. Her debut, Boy Proof, is a young adult novel that includes science fiction fandom, boys, and AP history. It’s out on Candlewick Press.

There are new podcasts coming up ?  Tod Goldberg, Samantha Marlowe, Daniel Olivas ? catch ’em by subscribing with iTunes. And stream the complete version of any of the shows on Pinky’s Paperhaus in the library. Each show is different: Jim Ruland likes punk rock, Meghan Daum is inclined toward folk, and Kevin Smokler indulged in both Arcade Fire and Poison. Kind of like a Whitman’s sampler, but better for your teeth.

About the author

I like sitting in Jack Webb's booth.