killradio makes the gray lady

If an organization you’re in gets into the NY Times, should it matter that your mention is parenthetical (it is) and buried within an article about someone you find tepid at best? It took another member of the Killradio to catch our name-drop in the NY Times Sunday magazine article on Nic Harcourt; the station is offhandedly called a "scrappy DIY internet-only operation," which is both apt and, well, not enough about us. I suppose that’s what the collective gets for having no PR committee to extend warm welcomes to the press. So here we go:

Dear Jaime Wolfe and the NY Times: drop in sometime and see the scruffy setup that is killradio! We’ll buy you a beverage at the bodega and let you hang out right in the studio. I’m sure any of the writers coming to visit Pinky’s Paperhaus wouldn’t mind you sitting in as they DJ and talk about their latest book (or litblog or magazine or TV show or poem or short story or literary event).

About the author

I like sitting in Jack Webb's booth.