Back in the saddle

Despite a new job that requires regular, focused attention, changes are afoot. Here. I mean this. The complete switch from old to new blog should happen very soon, but there are obstacles in my path. Like all of these durn readings:

Friday 6/10: Lisa Glatt at Skylight Books.

Saturday 6/11: Skylight again: Joy Nicholson

Sunday 6/12: (shaking fist at sky) Skylight! First Kevin Smokler at 5pm, then the Cocaine Chronicles crew starring Jerry Stahl*

Monday 6/13: MediaBistro is doing another literary LA thingy at the OH MY GAWD Friar’s Club. Wangle a plus one and say hi to me. I’ll be the one studying the old photos.

Tuesday 6/14: Kevin Smokler on Pinky’s Paperhaus, live on from 4:30-6pm, followed by the LA Weekly music awards at the Fonda Theater

Wednesday 6/15: Just kidding, I’m not going to the LA Weekly music awards. I’ve seen X play. I even saw them play their last show ever, and then their reuinion show a few years later.

Thursday, 6/16: Nick Hornby at Vroman’s, assorted Bloomsday events (I want to know where Hornsby is heading).

This must-do string of literary roadbocks comes to a screeching halt with the LA appearance of Heather King, the author of Parched, a story of quitting drinking, which is described as "poignant." Nothing screams red flag like poignant. Finally, a night to stay home.


* Correction: the Cocaine Chronicles reading will be on Friday 6/17 at Sylight; not sure how I got the date confused.  Coincidentally, though, Jerry Stahl was at Skylight around 7 on Sunday.

About the author

I like sitting in Jack Webb's booth.