Category Archives: writers

R.I.P. Kurt Vonnegut

Kurt Vonnegut dies at 84. It was bound to happen. But that doesn’t make it any better.


When I take to the road in a big way, big things happen. For example: 1989: As I’m driving from California to Rhode Island, Chinese students gather in Tiananmen Square…

More ecstatic days

Thanks to Bookfox I now know that Steve Erickson’s got a new website, and a new book — Zeroville — coming out this fall, they say. I’m always ready to…

Chabon, Waldman klatch with Pitt students

Michael Chabon is the most illustrious Pitt writing program alumnus; perhaps that’s why none of us expected him to stop by campus. Until we got the secret, hush-hush news that…

The writing process

Some people write fast — Joyce Carol Oates, for example, has written 34 novels since 1964. In her own name, that is — she’s also published 11 pseudonymous novels, dozens…

Listen up, it’s Mr. Powers

If you’re lucky like me, you heard Richard (The Echo Maker) Powers on Fresh Air while caught in traffic today. And if you weren’t that kind of lucky, click on…

But is it about you?

At The Happy Booker, author Katharine Min (Secondhand World) takes up the truth-or-fiction question: No, my childhood home did not burn down; my parents are still very much alive; I’m…

Carnegie, meet Lahiri

That’s Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Music Hall and Jhumpa Lahiri doing a Q&A for the Dru Heinz Lecture Series Monday night.

Favorite Pynchon moment

Add yours to the list that’s going over at The Elegant Variation.

Going gonzo on election day

This election day my thoughts have turned to Hunter S. Thompson, whose Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail is both smart and hilarious, and never matched up to the…