Tag Archives: book

Well played, Mark

Mark Sarvas has all the news on his debut novel, Harry, Revised, which hits shelves this spring. He’s got a book tour planned, some inside info about what it’s like…

Friday: listen, look, read, party, move

Leonard Lopate had George Saunders, Vendela Vida and Zadie Smith on his radio show this week, and luckily WNYC has put it online. Smith has edited a new anthology —…

can you tell I’m at my office hours?

The National Book Critics Circle has announced its awards finalists. The most entertaining read is Lizze Skurnick’s liveblogging. Most interesting/unsurprising news of the nominees? Joyce Carol Oates is up for…

Let it bleed

I’m partway into Zachary Lazar’s Sway, a novel which imagines three 60s figures before their moments of fame (maybe fame does hit – I’m only about 100 pages in). He…

66 degrees. thank you, global warming.

Record-breaking heatwave here in Pittsburgh. It was 66 yesterday! Woohoo! Another record-breaker: AWP sold out. While last year I simply walked in and paid at the door, this year the…

To the 2 to the 0 to the 0 to the 8

David Kipen has Twain on the brain: Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry. 5 Chapters kicks off with…

good guys and troublemakers

The coolest thing I’ve read all day: Mark Sarvas’s first novel is funny and sad, rueful, wised-up and curiously moving. A remarkable debut. – John Banville, winner of the Man…

A quickie roundup

Hankering for the encyclopedia of country music or a very fine atlas? Oxford University Press is on sale for xmas at Amazon. Mark’s in favor of the NBCC best recommended…

O’Nan and Pancake and Lee, oh my

Monday: Stewart O’Nan reads in the evening at Pitt, in the 5th floor room where we have workshop, featuring arching gothic windows and the occasional wintry breeze. Afterwards a few…

present and accounted for

Stewart O’Nan is coming to Pitt in a couple of weeks; today he’s interviewed at the NBCC blog. Find out what Last Night at the Lobster has in common with…