Category Archives: Television

Go directly to jail

My friend Andrew Takeuchi went to jail with Morgan Spurlock for 30 days this spring and the evidence is now a free download on iTunes. Spurlock has a TV show…

My secret TV past life

One of those listy things, picked up from Gwenda, who got it from Rarely Likeable. I’ve happily moved into the TV-less realm, in prep for grad school and also because…

Help wanted: book club

The Paperhaus has just found this gone-missing posting from Craigslist Phoenix: Wanted: Book Club for new reality-based show. Preferably, all female members. The show will be a cross between "The…

Gillian Anderson is Lady Dedlock

Thanks goodness I’ve already finished Bleak House, because I’d have no chance of getting through the Dickens classic before the PBS series starts tonight. The good news is that Gillian…