Category Archives: online

Thursday hustle

I really should be finishing that noir reading. Instead… Metroblogs Montreal gets the story on the Dawson College shootings. As in, hides from a gunman and sees a colleague take…

Lit fun in the online world

Gotta love the snarkety snark of this post about the memoirs of Laura Albert (the creator of JT Leroy). But is there anything amusing to say about the three guys…

Wednesday catchup

Stingray apologizes for spiking Crocodile Hunter, infuriates the masses. Gwenda loves Andrea Seigel’s new novel, To Feel Stuff. The LA Times has clear instructions on reading Mark Z. Danielewski’s Only…

Pittsburgh bloggers

I went to my first Pittsburgh blogfest — the yinzers’* 7th — and found that some Pittsburgh bloggers love pittsburgh  make brilliant mistakes teach writing and knit write, muse, and…

Wed: death, destruction and Shatner

Naguid Mahfouz has died; the Nobel prizewinning author was 94. Around the time I moved to town, Pittsburgh mayor Bob O’Connor went to the hospital with a sore throat —…

Listening pleasure

The Agony Column has Harlan Ellison’s WorldCon lecture (MP3) which starts with "the angrier I get the more demented I get," and quickly moves to "If by the end of…

Tripping the Thursday fantastic

An interesting discussion is on in the comments at Shaken & Stirred place over book reviewing and criticism vs. negativity. Gwenda, Colleen and Niall all make worthy and thoughtful points….

Casting mysteries

So when they had the open casting call for the film version of The Mysteries of Pittsburgh, I got up and went. Nextbook was kind enough to ask me to…

Crapometer, I hear ya callin’

Miss Snark, the literary agent with a blog of gold, is opening up her Crapometer doors again. In the Crapometer Miss Snark seriously, snarkily and deliriously discusses fiction submissions as…

Shiver me timbers

Ahoy, mateys! The extraordinarily talented Chris Abani headlines the Vermin on the Mount reading series, punnily calling itself Pyrats of Chinatown in LA tonight. Also on the bill are Teka-Lark…