Category Archives: on books

Post-Apocaylptic Pittsburgh

The good news: Viggo is coming. The bad news: he’s coming to film The Road. The producers filming Cormac McCarthy’s Pulitzer prizewinning The Road decided that Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania…

Let it bleed

I’m partway into Zachary Lazar’s Sway, a novel which imagines three 60s figures before their moments of fame (maybe fame does hit – I’m only about 100 pages in). He…

Erickson at TEV

Daniel Olivas tells me that he’s interviewed Steve Erickson for The Elegant Variation. As I am a tremendous fan of Erickson’s work, and I have not yet read Zeroville (it’s…

good guys and troublemakers

The coolest thing I’ve read all day: Mark Sarvas’s first novel is funny and sad, rueful, wised-up and curiously moving. A remarkable debut. – John Banville, winner of the Man…

100 Notable

The New York Times has printed 100 Notable Books for 2007. I’ve read 5, including Ian MacEwan’s slender On Chesil Beach, the hefty Tree of Smoke by Denis Johnson, and…

Four little cents

Not only do I support the striking Hollywood writers, I also support the LAist’s amazing coverage of the strike and all its odd side stories. They’ve got personal stories and…

Screens and snow

That’s the view from my office this morning. Snow. Just a flurry, but snow nonetheless. If you have concerns about the film adaptation of Love in the Time of Cholera,…

Thursday already?

Bloggers barnstorm the National Book Awards: Jason Boog with video, Ed with podcasts & blogging, even Sarah on Twitter. Joan Didion on Norman Mailer: “There was someone who really truly…

While I’m on this silent film thing

The Silent Movie Theatre in LA is doing subscriptions, under the new banner of the Cinefamily. Pay $25 a month and go to as many movies as you like; they’ll…

A few words about the silents

From the October 22 issue of the New Yorker, in which Denby meditates on film idols, but can’t bring himself to discuss the silent period beyond this one paragraph. Let…