Category Archives: on books

It’s pretty racy

It’s the summer of 1990 and I’m canvassing, knocking on doors and asking for money to stop the arms race, crying curbside when I don’t reach my quota. My boss…

To chick lit or not to chick lit, that is the question

Bookburger notes that the Battle of Chick Lit is ON, with two nicely competing collections: This Is Not Chick Lit and (wait for it) This Is Chick Lit Yowsa! Rumble…

More on Crawl Space

Over at the LitBlog Coop discussion of the summer reads is on, and I’ve chimed in on the only of the books that I’ve read, Crawl Space by Edie Meidav….

Read read unread

Fans of Miss Snark have come up with their awesome-of-the-last-decade reading list, totalling 285 works on paper.There are a few dupes, a couple real stinkers, and unfortunately 3 separate books…

Katha, you can send me a book

Katha Pollitt has been publicly obsessing about her stats; to goose her rankings she’s been buying books for everyone she knows, including "a Legal Aid lawyer I?d met on…

The unreal JT LeRoy in LA

This weekend JT LeRoy was spotted in Los Angeles. Which was pretty confusing, since there really isn’t a JT LeRoy, right? Discussion  ensued among those of us who heard the…

Scan this

The most-emailed story fomr the NY Times site is Scan This Book! It’s about the digitization of books (duh) and movies and music. All knowledge! Digitized! A universal library —…

Bad time to be out of town

The extraordinary and talented Jim Ruland is posting over at The Elegant Variation while Mark’s a-moving and he read the Sunday LA Times magazine called West. And apparently it’s great;…

Roth & Everyman

So I was listening to Philip Roth on Fresh Air while chopping kumquats yesterday and it finally dawned on me why he’s been ragingly popular for so long. 1) He…

Happy birthday Thomas Pynchon

He’s 69 today. But I’m sure he’s not crying over his lot. ararararar.