Tag Archives: book review

On Damon Galgut’s In a Strange Room

In today’s LA Times, I review Damon Galgut’s In a Strange Room, beginning: The traveler at the center of Damon Galgut’s new novel “In a Strange Room,” a finalist for…

Nothing happened: a review

Jake Silverstein, the editor of the award-winning Texas Monthly and a contributing editor at Harper’s, has published his first book, Nothing Happened and Then It Did. Opening with his early…

In today’s LA Times: Douglas Fairbanks

In today’s LA Times, I review the new cinematic biography Douglas Fairbanks by Jeffrey Vance with Tony Maietta. In my years researching early silent film, I’d always skirted around Fairbanks,…

What’s shaking in the metropolis

On Saturday, three authors read from their entries in the 33 1/3 album-focused series: above, Hayden Childs reading from his book on “Shoot Out the Lights” by Richard and Linda…

LA Times books. Wasserman on PBS. And why I care.

I was excited to learn that Kassia Krozser (aka Booksquare) would be on PBS’s News Hour tonight. Hooray for book bloggers! Also exciting: she would be appearing with former LA…

How to help a book review

Who knows what the owners of the Chicago Tribune have in mind for the paper’s Book Review. But they’re asking what readers want, and if we read and like it,…

From Barthelme to Vanderbilt

Maud’s giving away Barthelme! With delicious Pynchon intro, even. I’m not the only one who had a visit from Maryann Burk Carver. At the NEA’s Big Read blog, David Kipen…

And the Mailer-less book world turns

Christopher Sorrentino reviews Steve Erickson’s Zeroville for the LA Times. Will Zeroville make the best-of-07 lists? Not PW’s, which published its long, pretty good list on Nov. 5. Premature, or…

In good company

On the fair west coast, the LA Times runs my review of The Abstinence Teacher by Tom Perrotta today. The New York Times is all over this book, with a…