Going to Utah

This Friday I’ll appear on a panel at the annual conference of the Association of American University Presses, at the gracious invitation of MIT Press. The panel is on Social Networks as a Marketing Tool — if the presses are doing the marketing, that makes me… oh, nevermind. Here’s the panel info:

Social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter have become an incredibly powerful source for virtually all of our news and entertainment needs. A recent news story confirmed that Facebook is the second most popular site on the internet—only Google has more daily downloads. If our readers are getting information from social networking sites, it only makes sense that university presses participate in the conversation. How can university presses harness these incredibly popular and influential sites to reach our readers? How can we develop engaged communities of interested readers? This panel will demystify and navigate the social networking phenomenon to help us get the most bang for our tweet.

Chair: Colleen Lanick, Publicity Manager, MIT Press
Panelists: Laura Baich, Electronic Marketing Manager, Indiana University Press; Jennifer Howard, Senior Writer, The Chronicle of Higher Education; Carolyn Kellogg, Los Angeles Times

I get to Salt Lake City on Thursday evening. That’s probably too late to investigate the other oil spill.

About the author

I like sitting in Jack Webb's booth.